Walking on Campus After Dark
The University of Alabama has enhanced outdoor lighting across campus for the safety of our community members. Whether you are getting out of a late class, walking to the library for a late-night study session, or going to visit friends across campus after dark, you will find well-lit pathways on your route.
Here are some tips for traveling around campus after dark:
- When possible, use the Crimson Ride to get to and from your destination.
- Walk with a friend or in groups.
- Always walk in well-lit areas and don’t venture into areas that are dark such as alleys.
- If you are walking alone, let a friend or family member know where you are going, and then let them know once you arrive safely.
- Download and use the UA Safety app. The app provides directions to all campus buildings and allows you to contact UAPD and other emergency services with the push of one button.
- Know the location of the emergency Blue Phones.
The after-dark walking routes can be found on the UA Campus Map.