Campus Flu Advisory January 2018

Students, Faculty and Staff:

It is clear that we have a strong, late flu season that has hit the country, and Alabama is no exception. On Friday, Jan. 12, a State Public Health Emergency was called by Gov. Kay Ivey due to the outbreak. It is important that we consider all the ways we can help prevent the further spread of this among us, our families and friends. We are calling on each of you to practice prevention measures and to advocate that others around you do so as well.

Our Student Health Center offers these tips:

  1.       Use disinfectant wipes to clean your work spaces, lavatories, door knobs, computers, etc. and repeat often.
  2. Wash your hands frequently and try to keep them away from your face. Keep hand sanitizer on your desk and carry some with you to use after handling/touching common surfaces.
  3.       Get plenty of rest, which supports your immune system.
  4. Stay hydrated.
  5. Turn away from people and food when you cough (into your elbow), use disposable Kleenex and then sanitize your hands again.
  6. Know the symptoms of cold vs. flu, and see your health care provider when your symptoms seem to persist or get worse. Both cold and flu are the result of viruses, but distinctly different ones.

Cold: Usually associated with runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, coughing and sometimes headache. Typically lasts seven to 10 days; a cough can linger longer.

Flu: Usually worse than a cold and comes on quickly, often with fever, chills, muscle and joint aches. In some individuals this can become more serious, as you have seen in the news. Those with pre-existing health issues should see their health care provider early on.

Campus resources:

For faculty/staff: Faculty/Staff Clinic, University Medical Center

For students: Student Health Center and Pharmacy

We thank you for helping us all make our campus community more aware and more diligent in preventive measures for this flu season. For more information, see