Campus Security Authorities

A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is an individual, who by virtue of their university responsibilities and under the Clery Act, is designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the Department of Public Safety so that they may be included and published in the University’s Annual Security Report. CSA’s receive an annual written notification via email of their obligation to complete the online CSA training. All University of Alabama CSA’s are instructed to complete training on appropriately handling reporting crimes, victim relations and support, and related school policies.

Who are CSAs?

The Clery Act defines a CSA as any of the following categories:

  1. A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution, which includes members of the University of Alabama’s Police Department.
  2. Any individuals who have responsibility for campus security but are not members of a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property, such as a security guard).
  3. People or offices that are not members of a campus police/security department, but where policy directs individuals to report criminal offenses to them or their office. This includes offices such as the Title IX Office, WGRC and Student Conduct among others.
  4. Officials having significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings. Examples include Athletic Directors, Athletic Coaches, Faculty advisors to student organizations, Resident Assistants, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life other DOS personnel.

What does a CSA do?

A CSA must notify DPS (either UAPD or the Clery Compliance Officer) of crimes or criminal incidents that are reported to him or her. They disclose statistics that fall under the Clery Act’s list of reportable crimes and occur within Clery geography, and include if the incident is motivated by hate bias.

If you are a Campus Security Authority and you need to report a Clery Act crime, you may take one of the following steps:

  1. Call UAPD at 205-348-5454 or call 911
  2. Call or email UAPD’s Clery Compliance Officer at 205-347-0547 or
  3. Submit a written report of Clery Act offenses, and/or violations of hate crimes to UAPD using the appropriate form on this website.

If there is any doubt as to whether a crime is reportable, you should err on the side of reporting the matter. If you do not wish to utilize the online reporting page, you can contact the CSA Partner from your campus area.

Away Trip Guidelines 

For our CSA’s that are taking university students on a trip away from campus that is part of an official University event, they must report the trip details to the Clery Compliance Officer using the Away Trip Form, so that the compliance officer can follow up with the local jurisdictions to request available crime statistics.

CSA Training

if you are a Campus Security Authority, to help you understand your reporting obligations, you may log in to the LMS Training through your myBama portal to access the required Clery Act Training for CSA’s.

UA Campus Clery Resources

Annual Security Report

Campus Safety Alerts

The Daily Crime Log

Clery Incident Definitions